Mai Aisha Sisters and Youth AIDS Program (MASYAP) Conducts Annual General Meeting

The Mai Aisha Trust Youth and Aids Program organised an annual general meeting which took place on 29th October 2016 at Iqra Islamic Propagation centre in Blantyre.
Although within the broader aims of improving the knowledge of HIV/AIDS amongst Muslim girls in the Southern Region and to encourage girls to remain in school, the second Annual gathering was organised with an aim of interacting with youth and supporting groups that are under the or ganisation. The groups from districts of Blantyre, Thyolo, Mulanje, Chikwawa and Chiradzulu which are catchment areas for the organisation came to participate on the event.
According to Kaamilah Mnthengu the Youth Coordinator for MASYAP, the youth Programme was established in January 2015 after the research which was conducted by our team seeking to find out the low levels of HIV and AIDS knowledge among the young Muslim girls. Kaamila’s records showed that so far there are there are 23 youth groups under MASYAP.
We established the youth programmes in order to increase the percentage of girls who know their HIV status, to educate girls on HIV prevention methods and contraception, to educate these young girls on the different alternatives for their future, to empower girls to make their own decisions and finally given the availability of the funds the youth programme also aims at providing support for those girls who have been diagnosed with HIV among others.
In her welcoming remarks the Programme Manager Katherine Ryland said that MASYAP orgnaised the event in order to meet every support group under her organisation and interact with them at an event like this.” It is only through these meetings where we discuss issues of stigma, HIV preventing methods and other related issues surrounding HIV and AIDS.” “it is also my first interaction with them as I have been in the country for only three months. I want all of you here to consider your futures, I want you to realize what you want in life and have huge opportunities in Malawi”. she said.
Apart from youth programmes MASYAP implements education sessions, HIV and AIDS Testing and counselling, school fees support and microfinance initiatives.