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Month: April 2018

Malawi Worsens on Corruption Index

It is now four years since Malawi was rocked by its biggest government corruption scandal in history. The systematic looting of public coffers by civil servants, private contractors and politicians saw them steal 31 Million USD from government coffers.

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Unity Key to Development

All historical experiences and authentic sources of Islam urge Muslims to establish unity, develop close ties and improve cooperation among Muslim themselves.

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Malawi Cholera Claims more lives

government has embarked on a nationwide campaign to remind people to wash their hands with soap, especially after using the toilet and before eating any food and to boil their drinking water. Apart from such campaigns, Government is also encouraging people to go for vaccines treatment while at the same time it is distributing chlorine and other chemicals to treat drinking water.

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Current Issue



SHOPS CLOSED, RIGHTS IGNORED: Balancing Accountability and Human Dignity

As we highlight the issue of expired goods and labour violations in this month’s cover story, it is imperative to reflect on the actions of two key players in this battle: the Ministry of Labour and the Malawi Bureau of Standards (MBS).

Read more:SHOPS CLOSED, RIGHTS IGNORED: Balancing Accountability and Human Dignity