A Grand Invitation to Islam For President Mutharika

President Professor Peter Mutharika whose administration upholds the policy of freedom of worship has this year once again graced the Muslim Annual gathering called Ijtmah at Mama Khadija Orphanage Centre in Lilongwe which was held under the theme: The Role of Muslims in Economical and Educational Development in Malawi.
During the official opening ceremony of the Ijtima presided over by President Muthalika on Saturday 4th November 2017 the Muslim clergy ceased the opportunity to invite the head of the state to embrace Islam. The call was made by Sheikh Salim Banda who was one of the main speakers at the event.
“Your Excellency with this great achievements that your administration has done which are in tandem with Islamic leadership, I would like to invite you to this beautiful religion of Islam,” Banda said.
“We are also grateful to your Excellency for the land given to the Muslim Association of Malawi in Mangochi which we have already started developing,”
He added. In his speech marking the official opening of the 2017 Men’s Ijtima President Mutharika assured Malawians that his government shall not relent in safeguarding the freedom of worship the country is enjoying, saying this is a right that must be guarded jealously.
Ijtima is the annual gathering during which Muslims share information, spiritualties and experiences on various development projects and challenges affecting their religion.
President Muthalika said he cherishes the peaceful co-existence and tolerance among Moslems, Christians and members of other faiths adding that this would never end under his watch.
“There was a time in Malawi when people from other religious denominations (Jehova’s Witness) were persecuted just because they worship differently.
“I want to assure you that never will this country go back to religious oppression. Liberty of worship will continue in this country because religion is a gift that must be guarded jealously,” said Mutharika.
He said both Islamic and Christianity have the same guiding principles of love and respect for humanity which unify believers of both religion.
Mutharika added that the mutual love and respect that exist between members of different religious denominations must be extended in order to continue strengthening the bonds.
He however advised that any freedom one enjoys comes with great responsibilities.
“There is no freedom without responsibility and similarly there is no freedom of worship without responsibilities that come along with it.Let us promoted this freedom by observing mutual respect.
“Religions must never be used to bring about chaos and pain in the country but should be used to promote peace and prosperity and development. When we do that, it means we are using religion to develop God’s people and I am happy you chose the theme: The Role of Muslims in Economic and Education Development in Malawi,” said Mutharika
He subsequently thanked the Muslim community on what he said were various commendable works in food security, water and education amongst others which complement government’s efforts in developing the nation.
He said both Islamic and Christianity have the same guiding principles of love and respect for humanity which unify believers of both religion.
Mutharika added that the mutual love and respect that exist between members of different religious denominations must be extended in order to continue strengthening the bonds.
He however advised that any freedom one enjoys comes with great responsibilities. “There is no freedom without responsibility and similarly there is no freedom of worship without responsibilities that come along with it.Let us promoted this freedom by observing mutual respect.
“Religions must never be used to bring about chaos and pain in the country but should be used to promote peace and prosperity and development. When we do that, it means we are using religion to develop God’s people and I am happy you chose the theme: The Role of Muslims in Economic and Education Development in Malawi,”
said Mutharika He subsequently thanked the Muslim community on what he said were various commendable works in food security, water and education amongst others which complement government’s efforts in developing the nation.
Muthalika who has graced the previous two Ijtima’s of 2015 in Thyolo and 2016 in Mangochi said he looks forward to being part of future Ijtimah’s as well.
Minister of Healthy and Population, Atupele Muluzi commended Mutharika saying this freedom of worship is not only enjoyed by Muslims and Christians, rather it encompasses all religious beliefs.
Muluzi added that the President’spresence in religious ceremonies of this hind of this kind is a clear testimony that he respects and values freedom of worship. Muluzi further thanked the president and his leadership for according Muslim Women opportunities to dress as their faith requires.
“Your Excellency it pleases every Muslim seeing that our Muslim women can read news on MBC TV while in Hijab”
Also speaking during the ceremony was the National Chairman of the Muslim Association of Malawi (MAM), Sheikh Idrissa Muhammad who said Mutharika has shown in different ways that he is a true friend to the Muslim community.
He said not only does Mutharika attend the Ijtimahs, but he also helps a lot in their preparations.
“For your information, this Ijtima has fully been sponsored by his Excellency Professor Pert Mutharika” he said.
“On the other hand, he delivers everything-g that he promises. For example, when we were in need; he promised us a piece of land in Mangochi and as of now we have already been given that land and we have started developing it.”
“As a leader of the Muslim community in Malawi, I want to assure you that we will always be with you and support you in good and bad times.”
“Problems will always be there butwe will provide you with advice and we will not go behind your back because we are not hypocrites and also because Islam teaches us to stand by and respect our leaders,” he said.
Other people who spoke on the day were Sheikh Muhammad Osman; Chairman of the Ijtimah main committee, Sheikh Saleem Banda who provided a key note address and guest speaker, Dr Al- Tamaam.
The speakers expressed gratitude to president Mutharika and his government for the recent approval by the Reserve Bank of Malawi for banks to introduce Islamic Banking systems in their operations.