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DARUSUNNAH Reaches Out to Cyclone Gombe Victims

DARUSUNNAH Reaches Out to Cyclone Gombe Victims

Habiba Kabatiya from Kwiputi Village Traditional Authority Jalasi lives in a house which leaks when it is raining that was incidentally damaged by cyclone Gombe. She had almost lost all her property. It is the needy persons like her that Darussunnah Foundation finds itself obliged to render towards them the much needed assistance and support in times of calamities and natural disaster eventualities.

“I always remember the day as if it was yesterday. It was stressful, and looking at my children I hardly hold my tears thinking what will I give them to eat, let alone shelter and clothing since the flooding water swept away all those amenities. It is by the grace of Allah that such people of good will have come forward with a helping hand to alleviate our sufferings,” said Kabatiya.

Darussunnah Foundation is an organization that targets the underprivileged. It is affiliated to Muslim Association of Malawi, and operates from Salima district. With funding from Al Maktoum Global Initiatives organization based in the United Arab Emirates-UAE the Darussunnah Foundation on 31st March 2022 visited Kwiputi village in Mangochi district where it donated assorted items to over 1600 flood victims.

Speaking with Insight Bulletin the Secretary General for Darussunnah Foundation Sheilkh Hussein Mussah said they thought of providing assistance to flood victims in response to the President’s call to render them some help.

“The distributed items included 20 kilograms of rice, 25 kilograms of maize flour, 6 kilograms of beans, 4 liters of
cooking oil, 1 ply blanket, 20 liter water bucket, 6 plastic plates, 6 plastic cups, 10 tablets of washing soap, 5 kilograms of sugar and 2 kilograms of salt,” said Mussah.

Mussah further said “We always prioritize the needy living in hard to reach areas because it is very important for us as an organization to give to the people that are usually neglected.”

The guest of honor at the function Ibrahim Matola who is also the Minister of Energy applauded the Darussunnah
Foundation for the kind gesture, saying the assistance was timely.

“As you are aware government alone cannot manage to help all victims, hence this donation will surely improve people’s lives having been immensely affected by the disaster,” he said. Matola further said that as the country is facing other social and economic challenges such organizations are encouraged to help government wherever possible.

“Let me also take this opportunity to urge all youths in this community to put much of their emphasis on both
Islamic and secular studies to be of better benefit in this world and al-Akhira (paradise),” he said.

Darussunnah Foundation had conducted similar distribution programs in Blantyre, Salima and Ntcheu districts where a substantial number of beneficiaries received some relief items.